Since the time our fitness salon opened up its doors for the very first time, there always was a conventional…

Student Travel to Italy with ACLE – Casa mia è Casa tua
I had just turned 19 and finished my first year at the University of Florida when I decided to teach…

Bella Ciao Ciao!
When I first started ACLE in the year 2017 aged 18. I almost couldn’t believe it, I had no idea…

My ACLE experience!
I can easily say my ACLE experience was by far the highlight of my summer. Every minute of my Italian…

An Ode to ACLE
The best summer of my life has ended, and after about a month of being, back home I have had…

When my Italian adventure began, I did not know just how closely I would follow the GLI theme “Culture and…

Teaching and travelling: Italy in three Months, six Cities and six Families
What am I going to do with myself over the summer break?” I knew that I wanted an opportunity to…

Why Not to Join A.C.L.E.
1. Too much food Never in my life have I been so consistently well fed and full. Families often provided…

Living the Italian Life
Italy and the ACLE experience will keep making you think ‘Wow!’, no matter how long you’ve been there. As a…