Location & Food
Accomodation Location & Food
- Each summer we have over 250 camps across the whole country, from the The Alps to Sicily, and from Piedmont to Friuli-Venezia Giulia. We have offices based across the country, so we are always actively seeking out new camps as well.
- At the end of each camp (weekly or fortnightly) you will be transferred to another camp location. So you can expect to see a variety of places during your time with us.
- Our orientations are held in or near to Sanremo, Rome, and Milan. If accepted we will select the orientation that you are to attend, and inform you of the way to reach us.
Accommodation & Food
- The majority of our camps are City Camps, so tutors are mostly accommodated by host families, whose children attend the camp. You will be welcomed in as part of their families, and will be fed copious amounts of Italian food. This is certainly one of the highlights of the ACLE experience.
- Summer Camps are held in hotels, where tutors and campers both reside (full-board). These locations are often in stunning mountain-villages or seaside resorts, and will often have opportunities for exciting excursions and outdoor activities.
- In rare occasions tutors may be accommodated in their own living space. This could be in the form of an apartment owned by either a host-family, or by A.C.L.E., or sometimes we will pay for you to stay in a B&B or hotel if unable to place you with a host-family. In this case you will likely be given a food allowance and directions for where to get food.